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I really enjoyed creating this piece.
The assignment was to juxtapose macro and micro. Since I spend a lot if time in the digital world, I couldn't think of a better choice than to put the self/ego in the context of a bit/pixel. Just as each pixel represents a facet of my own image, it also represents a facet of my digital life.

I discovered the process to create this image by accident a while ago, when I first got a high-power macro lens for my camera. By chance I took a picture of my laptop screen, and I found that it was powerful enough to resolve the individual display pixels (the bars of red, green, and blue). So creating this image was just a matter of taking a regular portrait, putting it on my laptop and sizing it appropriately in the screen, then taking a picture of it on my screen.

When you view the image up close you can only make out the sea of red, green, and blue spots. However, when you step back from the image, the same spattering of red, green, and blue resolves in to the greater image.


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Posted in: [ Photography ] [ RPI ARTS-2040 ]
[ posted 12/09/09 @ 1959 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1506 -5 GMT ] 3 in total
[ Views( 54393 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
To start off, the first class assignment was an exploration of motion and perspectives in imagery. This was an excellent warm-up after having not touched a camera for the better part of the summer.



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Posted in: [ Photography ] [ RPI ARTS-2040 ]
[ posted 12/09/09 @ 1958 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1505 -5 GMT ] 4 in total
[ Views( 54563 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
I'm always looking for new tools and techniques to add to my bag of tricks, so I was excited to learn about HDR photography. Photography has long suffered from the inability to reproduce the same range of color and vibrancy that the eye can perceive. This leads to photos being dull. HDR, or High Dynamic Range, is a method of combining multiple different exposures in an attempt to reproduce this wider range of vibrancy.

For this project, I wanted to experiment with HDR photography, but in a manor I was familiar with. Nighttime photography has been an area I've had good success and fun perusing, so it seemed like an appropriate area of study. At night, buildings come alive with light, which I thought would provide an excellent, contrasty subject mater.








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Posted in: [ Final Projects ] [ Photography ] [ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1706 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 4 in total
[ Views( 70063 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
Stop-Motion animation was kind of fun to do, though I kind of wish I had more time to do it. I procrastinated, as usual, so I didn't have enough time to do as many frames as I had hoped.


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Posted in: [ Photography ] [ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1610 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 32266 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
What would an art course be with out some portraiture? Not a very thorough one, but that's besides the point.






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But the primary purpose of this assignment was to work some more with digital manipulation. The second part of the assignment was to both age and beautify out own portrait.




^ click to embiggen ^

Posted in: [ Photography ] [ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1511 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 30492 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
The first project from ARTS1020 was digital collages. This wasn't the first time I've done it, but that didn't make it any less fun ^_^




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Posted in: [ Photography ] [ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1443 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1503 -5 GMT ] 2 in total
[ Views( 32889 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]