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Stop-Motion animation was kind of fun to do, though I kind of wish I had more time to do it. I procrastinated, as usual, so I didn't have enough time to do as many frames as I had hoped.


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Posted in: [ RPI ARTS-1020 ] [ Photography ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1610 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 30556 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
This is the first assignment where I had the opportunity to use something other than GIMP.

I had no real inspiration for this project, so I decided to make an up-scaled logo for Caligon Studios. I had no idea where to start, so I did what I usually do and went with a reptilian motif. I decided to have it chewing on the studio name because I have a tendency to chew on things at my desk when I'm bored. I also went with a shadowy theme because I like to lurk around behind the scenes.


^ click to embiggen ^

Posted in: [ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1558 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 22756 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
What would an art course be with out some portraiture? Not a very thorough one, but that's besides the point.






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But the primary purpose of this assignment was to work some more with digital manipulation. The second part of the assignment was to both age and beautify out own portrait.




^ click to embiggen ^

Posted in: [ RPI ARTS-1020 ] [ Photography ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1511 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 28769 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
The next project was pixel art. This was a difficult one for me because it represents everything I try to avoid in digital art (that being pixelization, posterization). But at least I not have a certain respect for the artists who do it because it's not easy.


^ click to embiggen ^

The second part of the project was to create a small animation using some pixel art from the other students.


Posted in: [ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1453 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1503 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 23197 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
The first project from ARTS1020 was digital collages. This wasn't the first time I've done it, but that didn't make it any less fun ^_^




^ click to embiggen ^

Posted in: [ RPI ARTS-1020 ] [ Photography ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1443 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1503 -5 GMT ] 2 in total
[ Views( 31172 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
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